P-Card Management for School Nutrition

title image - p-card management for school nutrition with image of one hand holding a card and the other typing on a laptop

P-cards are a useful tool for organizations, including School Nutrition Programs; however, a sound p-card management system is essential to maintaining the integrity of program. Know the Rules The first step to a successful p-card management system is knowing the rules. When enrolling in the district’s p-card program, be sure to obtain any policies and […]

What is a Pcard?

feature image says what is a pcard with image of cards behind it

What is a Pcard? Short for “purchasing card”, a pcard is a type of commercial payment card that functions similarly to a credit card, with a few exceptions that will be explained later. The card utilizes the same infrastructure as a credit card, so it can be used anywhere that credit cards are accepted. This […]