P-Card Management for School Nutrition

title image - p-card management for school nutrition with image of one hand holding a card and the other typing on a laptop

P-cards are a useful tool for organizations, including School Nutrition Programs; however, a sound p-card management system is essential to maintaining the integrity of program. Know the Rules The first step to a successful p-card management system is knowing the rules. When enrolling in the district’s p-card program, be sure to obtain any policies and […]

What is a Pcard?

feature image says what is a pcard with image of cards behind it

What is a Pcard? Short for “purchasing card”, a pcard is a type of commercial payment card that functions similarly to a credit card, with a few exceptions that will be explained later. The card utilizes the same infrastructure as a credit card, so it can be used anywhere that credit cards are accepted. This […]

How to Write Product Specifications

writing product specifications

Nailing your product specifications is important to ensure you receive what you need without limiting competition. This article will explain how to write a product specification for your school nutrition program.